Sunday, September 25, 2011

Some Art by Zora

I sat with Zora and told her I was going to post these on my blog, but I needed titles for them, so the supplied titles are from Zora.

As always, you can click to see bigger pictures.

From School

(from school) "Plaidy the Platypus"
(from school) "truckish"
"sort of like the fix-it duck, but not really"
(other side of duck) "circle thing with my name" or "decoration"

drawn on the back of some of the school registration paperwork while she waited.

From the Chalkboard at Home
Zach and Zora drew an underwater scene together, 
Zach drew animals on the top, Zora on the bottom.

(on chalkboard) "Whooshing Octopus"
(chalkboard) "Kiss Kiss Fish"

Made at home
A combination of crayon, marker, oil pastels, and colored pencil

"Monster Growls.  One of the people (on the right) is worried.  The other one isn't listening"

Princess Folder/Notebook Zora glued together

(outside of folder/book) "Prince looking at the princess"
(middle of floder/book) "Princess Style"
(back of folder/book) "Princess runs away because it's time to go and get to work"

"Horse saying nothing"



"Buffalo yelling STOP"

(other side of buffalo...stop) "GO horse"


"I always love the days.  I love Dad, I love Mom, I love Zane, I love Zora."

"Two Birds and a Bunny"

"Happy in the Wind.  Happy to Drink in the Water Fountain"

"Hot-ness;  We Don't Want it Hot"  (gray thing is water fountain)

"One kid on skateboard, bigger kid on skates"

"Smart House"

made from one of the Crayola clays, I think Model Magic

"Little Kid"

"Big Kid"


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